Barry Blight

Barry Blight (1943- ) completed a Diploma of Art at East Sydney Technical College (now the National Art School) in 1964, then travelled throughout Europe in the late 1960s, before deciding to specialise in ceramics and completing the Certificate and Associate Diploma courses at ESTC. In 1981, with Suzanne Startin, Gwen Whitie and Terry Wright, he established the Down the Lane Potter's Workshop at Forest Lodge, and later joined the Inner City Clayworkers Co- operative in Glebe. In the 1988 potters' directory, he is established at Dulwich Hill, teaching at St George Technical College and specialising in slip-decorated stoneware using Australian flora. This has become his signature style, which challenges design rules by enveloping classical pot forms with Australian imagery. In his latest work, he uses sgraffito and carving to define the motifs. His work is incised 'Barry Blight'.

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